Why see a dentist for sleep apnea?
Last updated : April 6, 2018Posted by: Woburn Dentistry
What You Need to Know about Oral Appliances for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Snoring is often a sign of life-threatening sleep apnea. Oral appliances for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are NOT available over-the-counter in the United States. They are only FDA approved and available through a qualified dentist once a physician has made an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis.
How do you choose a Sleep Disorders Dentist?
A qualified sleep-disorders dentist must:
· Be willing and able to work closely with physicians and other health care professionals
· Have appropriate knowledge of sleep medicine as well as jaw joint function
· Have adequate training/education in oral appliance therapy. Ask about Certificates of Attendance from continuing education courses taken
· Be able to treat effectively with different appliance types
· Have experience with medical insurance reimbursement and documenting medical necessity
· Have a solid relationships with local sleep labs and sleep physicians
· Have a team approach with other healthcare professionals
· Have a proven follow-up system to ensure healthy results long-term
· Have an in-depth knowledge of oral appliance research
· Provide statement of informed consent, explaining all possible contraindications and potential side effects
· Realize that oral appliance therapy is not always the most beneficial treatment and should suggest alternate therapeutic modalities (CPAP, surgery) when appropriate
For more information about sleep apnea, please call Woburn Dentistry to talk to you Sleep Apnea Dentist at 781-604-3999.